Frequently Asked Questions
What is Sound Therapy?
Sound Therapy is also known as Sound Healing or Vibrational Medicine. Sound Therapy works on the principle that everything is vibration. Sound healing is the therapeutic application of sound and vibration to create an environment for the body to go into its own natural healing processes to help bring about a state of harmony and health.
Sound can facilitate shifts in our brainwave states through a process called entrainment. Combinations of rhythms and frequencies make it is possible to move from our normal beta state (alert, waking, concentrating, reacting) to alpha (creative, relaxed), and even theta (meditative state) and delta (deep dreamless sleep; where restoring and healing can occur). Shifting brainwave states elicits the Relaxation Response in the body, turning on the parasympathetic nervous system state.
What should I expect during a SoundBath?
Nothing. When you expect something, you are coming from the known…Instead, come with an open mind and anything good, magical, amazing, unexpected and healing is possible as we all swim in an ocean of possibilities and potentials. You are in for a re-boot, a re-calibration, a cleansing. And while each of our transformational experiences is received and integrated individually, dependent on where we are on our life’s journey, there are common denominators shared by most people.
Tell me more
You will be invited to lay down on a yoga mat or air mattress, rest your head on a pillow, snuggle under a soft blanket and be given a few minutes to let go and start to relax. After a few minutes of guided focus on the breath, the remainder of the experience is filled with different sounds and frequencies being introduced in succession. The sounds are created by a variety of overtone-emitting instruments including gongs, shruti box, Himalayan and crystal singing bowls, chimes etc.
Sound frequencies travel through space, and our bodies naturally resonate with them. This harmonisation occurs effortlessly, as our brains are inclined to synchronise with what we hear – this is why we enjoy music. Sound Therapy utilises these principles by aligning brainwaves with specific rhythms and frequencies.
The instruments will be played for around 60 minutes. During this time, you will likely become deeply relaxed and may even fall asleep. There will be a silence of a few minutes at the end of the session to give you time to become more wakeful.
Many of us become so distracted by our Outer World conditions that we fail to remain in touch with that Inner Voice, which guides us truly through life’s challenges. The intention with a SoundBath, is to help you to reconnect to your essential Self.
What do l need to bring with me?
We recommend you bring your own yoga or air mattress, blanket, pillow etc., as not all venues provide them. Wear comfortable clothing per your liking and style…typically most people experience a session lying comfortably on their back, or side, eyes closed or with eye shades. Some prefer to sit; it is a very individual experience – there is no “one-size-fits-all”. Moreover, typically the body’s functions slow down and the body temperature drops slightly when deeply relaxed, hence the need to bring a blanket.
How long will the SoundBath last?
About 1 1/2 hours in total. It’s good to arrive about 15 minutes before the due start time to familiarise yourself with the room and to get settled in. The instrument playing is usually about an hour, and it’s good to plan for a little time after the session to check that you are grounded and fully ‘present’ before going home.
What are the benefits of sound therapy?
Sound healing can help to reduce your stress and anxiety, improve your sleep, create a deep sense of wellbeing, and promote healing that goes well beyond simple relaxation.
Participants have reported:
A reduction of stress & anxiety
Increased focus & clarity
Lower heart rate levels
Increased energy levels
Releasing of emotions
Reduced muscle tension
Improved sleep quality
Peace and tranquillity
Pain relief
Increased sense of calm
A sense of welling & positive mood
How does sound therapy work?
Almost everything we experience in the universe is simply our perception of waves. We all know that according to the law of physics everything in the universe vibrates and if it vibrates, it has a frequency. Everything, from human beings, the device you are reading this from, your hair, skin, organs all have their own frequency, also known as its natural resonance. When sound waves reach our ears, they are converted into electrical signals that travel up the auditory nerve into the auditory cortex, the part of the brain that processes sound. But it is not just through our ears that we take in frequency from the environment, it is also through our skin. Once the signal reaches our brain it triggers various responses in our bodies.
Stress, environmental factors, internal dialog, what you eat can all affect the signal but also give their own vibratory signal. This process can alter our emotions, and release hormones. Working with frequencies can bring your body back into healthy vibration. In neurological studies, it has been shown that certain sounds and music can help us be more productive and creative, as well as relieve stress and improve our mental and emotional state. Much of this is due to our brains being flooded with dopamine during a sound session. Oxytocin is also released, which is a natural painkiller, and is a hormone that allows us to bond with others.
Stress, environmental factors, internal dialog, what you eat can all affect the signal but also give their own vibratory signal. This process can alter our emotions, and release hormones. Working with frequencies can bring your body back into healthy vibration. In neurological studies, it has been shown that certain sounds and music can help us be more productive and creative, as well as relieve stress and improve our mental and emotional state. Much of this is due to our brains being flooded with dopamine during a sound session. Oxytocin is also released, which is a natural painkiller, and is a hormone that allows us to bond with others.
Where does sound therapy come from?
Sound healing can be traced back to the ancient cultures of Tibet, China, India, Latin America, Africa, and even Europe in ancient Greece. In these cultures, the sound was used for ceremonies and to heal various physical, mental, and emotional ailments.
In the last decades, sound healing has become increasingly popular all over the world. Today there are many different sound healing techniques and sound healing instruments that can be used to promote health and well-being.
What do I need to do during a SoundBath?
Nothing. This is a time to relax and become more conscious of being present in the ‘here and now’. It may be helpful to focus on the senses and your physicality; observe and notice everything. Be open to the experience rather than try to analyse it or anticipating what might happen. Every SoundBath is a unique experience; listen with child-like curiosity. Observe your thoughts and feelings/sensations as they arise without judgement – let them pass. There is nothing to remember or recall. If it is important, it will come back to you after the SoundBath. Enjoy being bathed in sound knowing that it is nurturing your body back into balance.
What happens when sound reaches the body?
SoundBaths can facilitate various releases – physical, emotional, and spiritual. If you feel discomfort, breathe into it, and it usually will subside. As we are made up mostly of water, and sound travels five times more effectively through water than air. High sounds tend to affect the surface layers, and deep sounds penetrate right into the organs and bones. Lower sounds produce slower sound waves and take longer to move through the body; this is why we can feel vibrations. Sound that enters the ears is transmitted via the auditory nerve to the brain. However, the vagus nerve is connected to the posterior wall of the auditory canal and transmits sound waves to every major organ; this allows the brain to monitor and receive information relating to breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and digestion. When the vagus nerve is stimulated by the therapeutic instruments, it helps to bring the body back into a state of relaxation by engaging the parasympathetic nervous system, ‘rest and digest state’.
How do SoundBaths encourage deep relaxation?
As the sound session progresses brain waves slow down and move from a state of wakefulness (Gamma & Beta) into a meditative state, an Altered State of Consciousness, where Alpha and Theta brainwaves predominate. Brain waves begin to lock into phase and synchronise with the sound waves produced by the instruments.
When Beta brainwaves predominate you feel awake and alert. When brainwave patterns slow and Alpha brainwaves predominate you feel relaxed and begin to daydream in a light meditative state. As brainwaves slow even further Theta levels are reached, you enter a deep meditative state where dreams, visions, intuition and spiritual insight may occur. In this state you may bring up suppressed memories and emotions. Alpha and Theta are often referred to an altered state of consciousness (ASC). If brainwaves slow even further Delta is reached you enter deep, dreamless sleep.
What can I expect after a sound session?
You will be advised to drink more water than usual and avoid alcohol. This will help to flush any toxins out of your system. Take some light exercise and nurture yourself. Detoxification may take place and this can be part of the healing process. The gongs and other instruments may have brought things to the surface for you to acknowledge and deal with. This could be something physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Be kind to yourself. If you have any questions or concerns Malcolm will answer your questions by email or arrange a telephone conversation
How do I recognise that I have reached an Altered State of Consciousness (ASC)?
The following are some of the experiences that suggest your brain has moved into a lower brainwave frequency such as Alpha (8-12Hz) or Theta (4-8 Hz) and into an Altered State of Consciousness (as the right hemisphere responds to the lower frequencies of sound provided by the gongs).
Imagery: colours, patterns, scenes before closed eyes.
Physical relaxation: muscles, relaxed, tension drains from the body, breathing is steady and relaxed.
Loss of sense of time: the experience seems much shorter or longer than it actually takes. A sense of ‘now’, in the moment.
Loss of sense of space: sensation of floating or sinking into the floor in a realm where there are no space boundaries and you ‘lose’ your edges – oceanic.
Insight, clarity, understanding and intuition: recognition and/or solutions to predicaments, problems or issues in your life
Positive mood: feelings of joy, elation, bliss, tranquillity and calm.
A sense of unity: at one with everyone and everything. Everything is energy.
Connection something sacred, profound or holy.
Why is there a silence at the end of a gong bath?
This silence, referred to as ‘SHUNYA,’ is crucial. It provides a space for integration of the mind, body, and spirit, allowing you to reflect on the session. You may experience a deep sense of stillness, still feeling the vibrations within you. Please cherish this experience and take your time to emerge from it—there’s no rush to sit up immediately.
Who can participate?
Sound based relaxation and healing modalities are for any and everybody, from teenagers to elders…each participant receives the benefits derived from varying tempi and rhythms, as well as different pitches and tonalities, varying sound frequencies, all and each known to trigger different memories, feelings, emotions and sensations within…all geared toward unblocking trapped or stale energy and reinstating a natural flow of energy within.
Some people may need advice from their doctor or carer before attending, including those who are pregnant in their first trimester, have epilepsy or seizures, or have certain medical conditions.
Is everyone’s experience the same?
No, everyone’s experience during a Sound Bath is unique. Your brain will connect with the sounds in ways that resonate with you personally. Just as no two dreams are the same, people may have varied experiences – some may find beauty, while others may confront fleeting moments of discomfort, and all reactions are normal. The chances are that you are likely to fall in a state of deep relaxation and peace.
If you wish to know more, please email your questions to: or call me on 07768 466968 (